As a fellow small business, we understand the challenges you are facing during these times.
We find ourselves in awe of the grit, hard work and passion on display as SMBs all over the country step up with resilience and creativity to keep pushing forward. Keep striving, keep fighting, keep believing.
You’ve got this!
Most people believe PPC is all about bids, clicks, and ad spend. That’s the checkers mentality. The truth is we’re playing a game of chess. To do things the right way we need to focus on your goals and your customer behavior first. Then we can map out a game plan that works.
You’re shopping for insurance, you’re looking for a good restaurant in your area, you need a locksmith or you want to buy a new vacuum. In all of these scenarios, what’s your first move? I’m betting you immediately perform a search.
Humans are now programmed to look to Search Engines for help with almost any scenario. Over the years, it’s become more challenging to properly execute a campaign. You need to account for things such as Ad Extensions, A/B or A/B/C testing, RSLA, Enhanced, Matched Types, Call tracking, Remarketing, GDN and the many other tools offered in the constantly changing Adwords platform. It’s confusing. It takes a lot of work, knowledge and passion. That’s why we’re here to help.
Over 98% of the people who visit your site for the first time will leave without buying something or requesting info. 80% of shoppers abandon their shopping carts without completing the purchase, but don’t run off to get the Prozac just yet. We have the perfect tool to turn this negative into a positive.
Retargeting allows you to stay connected to visitors who come and go without converting. We deliver reminder ads that gently coax them into coming back and completing the transaction. In terms of ROI, retargeting is the clear winner because it allows you to reconnect with people who have already expressed an interest in what you are offering.
Are you a local pet store having a seasonal sale? We’ll make sure the dog lovers in your town know. Are you a clothing store who has a new line of spring dresses? We’ll spread the word to all of the fashionistas out there. Your customers spend over 90% of their time browsing websites containing ad space, so the potential to connect your ads and brand to your customers is huge. Better yet, when used conjointly with search engine marketing, results have shown to increase page views by 68%.
We all know that first impressions stick. Display ads are your first impression online. From the moment they glance at your ad, they are slowly building an impression of your business. We call it “awareness.” People will know who you are and what you can offer them before even entering your website or business location.
Being a DIYer is fun. Many of our clients have done a good job running a “pretty good” campaign. However, we’ve found that most business owners find themselves thinking:
“Adwords is working well, but I wonder if it can work even better”
“Why isn’t Adwords working for me if it’s working for everyone else?”
“My budget is getting out of control. What can I do to make it more efficient?”
“I feel like my results have plateaued. How can I make it grow?”
If you want an Adwords Certified professional to do a one-time audit of your campaign and provide a list of PPC Optimization suggestions to increase performance, give us a call.
Like any journey, you need to know where you started to truly appreciate how far you’ve traveled. We believe a successful campaign requires proper benchmarking in order to monitor your successes, create realistic goals and plan for growth. Our RQS Report is a free and easy tool specifically designed to show you where you are now and to blaze a trail towards your ultimate destination. Click below to get your free assessment today.
This fun, simple and easy to use template guides you down a step-by-step journey on how to create buyer personas for your business. These personas will ensure every advertising dollar is going to the right audience, thus reducing waste and increasing revenue.
We know that it’s hard to keep up with digital marketing. Change is a fixed constant and it gets very complicated. We’re here to simplify the process and deal with the headache so you don’t have to. Our cost effective strategies are designed to concentrate on increasing your revenue.
Now, don’t let our membership in the Better Business Bureau or Agency status with Google thoroughly impress you into thinking we’re a group made up of ridiculously skilled super people (No, let it thoroughly impress you). We’re just normal people (No, we’re amazing). Believe it or not, we actually like making sense of all the different numbers, codes, and ratios that go into online advertising. Nerdy? Yes. Extremely cool and helpful? Yes. Did I mention that we’re all pretty humble over here?
All joking aside, since 2002, we’ve defined ourselves not by our accomplishments, but by our passion to help tell your unique story. By aligning our passions and core competencies with yours, we can work together to make you known. Let our experts take care of the nuts and bolts of things so you and your business can focus on being awesome.
Enough about us, lets talk about your customers.
This might sound backwards, but we’re an online ad agency that believes technology comes 2nd. To us relationships come 1st. As we begin this journey to help your company grow, don’t be surprised if we end up learning about each others family, sharing corny jokes and laughing at our most embarrassing moments. One of our clients put it best: “Michael Scott charm with Don Draper expertise.”
This is your chance to mingle at happy hour with your customers. It’s your opportunity to take the stage at karaoke open mic night. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter ads give you a chance to rub elbows with your customers or just belt out a melody to show everyone in the room what you’ve got. Both approaches will get you noticed. We A/B test multiple designs and creative copy to see what gets you the highest engagement. Then we’ll crank up the volume, let the libations flow, and help you engage as many customers as possible.