What is Paid Search?

If this is the first time you’re hearing of Paid Search, you need to call us – immediately!  We’ll get you caught up to speed.

For those of you who just want a refresher course, Paid Search (also called PPC, pay-per-click, or Adwords) is a platform that allows you to bid on a set of keywords that your customers might search for when they are looking for your service or product.  When those keywords are used to search, an ad that you have created to promote your business may show up in the sponsored results.  If the ad is a good fit for the searchers’ needs, they may click on it and come to your site.  Each time your ad is clicked on, you pay for that click.

Creating compelling ads that drive consumers to your site is part science, part art.  The search engines look for and even require that certain elements be included in your ads.  The more of these elements you have working together, the better your chances are for being shown in a good position more of the time.  This is the science of it.  Consumers, however, are far more subjective than the search engines.  They have emotions, opinions, and preferences that need to be taken into consideration when creating your ads.  This is where the art of the process comes in.  To do it right requires the perfect blend of art and science, and this is oftentimes very daunting for the average business owner.  If this is you, don’t fret.  Our experts are eager to craft your custom PPC content for you!

As the first step to creating your paid search campaign, our team will take the time to understand your business’ specific needs and goals as well as the needs and search behaviors of your target customers.  We will create a custom-tailored set of keywords based on those goals and how your customers are actually looking for you.  Armed with extensive knowledge and expertise, we will utilize all of the tools that Adwords offers in order to create the most impactful and effective campaign.

Another major benefit of Adwords is how measurable it is.  As your Adwords partner in this adventure, we will take you on an in-depth journey into the wild world of Adwords data!  Using all of the performance metrics available to us, we can provide great insight into how well your campaign is performing and make consistent improvements to the campaign based on this data.  We are constantly refining the campaign in order to get you more for your money.

If you think you could be getting more out of your Paid Search campaign, you’re probably correct!  Give our team a call today, and we will show you how!

Search (PPC)

Let’s be real, the days of thumbing thru a phone book to find a local plumber are long gone!  These days, almost all of us have a smartphone that basically serves as an extension of our own hand.  When the need for a plumber (or anything else for that matter) arises, we instinctively turn to Google.  This practice is so prevalent that we’ve even accepted the use of a proper name, Google, as a verb.  And if you don’t believe me, just Google it!

The development and evolution of the internet has revolutionized how we look for and find information.  We can search over months and months for the perfect real estate property, spend weeks planning the ideal vacation, conveniently buy an outfit for your upcoming anniversary party, and immediately find a nearby Japanese restaurant as soon as the craving hits.

Whether what you’re looking for requires more long-term planning or is an urgent need that you need to satisfy right now, the search engines get us on the path to finding the right information within seconds.

Ironically, while as a consumer it can be easy to get information about all of these things online, as a brand or company it is much more challenging to stand out from the sea of competitors and actually get noticed… let alone, get more business and a return on your investment!

Paid Search is a powerful tool that can get you in front of these consumers when they are looking for you.  However, as we’ve heard from many clients and as you might be saying to yourself right now, it is also very easy to burn thru your budget with little to show for it if you aren’t an expert in the ever-evolving aspects and nuances of Adwords!  Our experts can help you squeeze more efficiency out of your investment by drilling into the following areas of your campaign:

  • Ad extensions
  • A/B or A/B/C testing
  • RSLA
  • Enhanced
  • Match types
  • Call tracking
  • GDN (Google Display Network)
  • Remarketing

Adwords is always evolving, and it’s easy to get confused.  But one thing is certain:  Every business, big or small, local or international, can benefit from a paid search campaign. Give our team a call today or contact us, and we’ll get you started!


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